Come, Worship and Journey With Us:
Forbes Presbyterian Church is a worshipping community that affirms God’s Word, the Bible, as supreme and the standard for our theology, doctrine and life.
Our worshipping community prays that the Father will strengthen us to demonstrate His unconditional love in and through Jesus Christ as we respond to our calling to in-reach and outreach through the enablement of the Holy Spirit. Jesus established the Church as a community of believers, a family that encourages each other in unity and projects His love to the world as we journey homeward.
We are glad you are here. We invite you to learn about our caring community, our story, our beliefs, and our ministries (what we do). Also, on the sidebar, you will find our recent posts and some sermons. Listen to OurDailyBread devotional for your spiritual nourishment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to go to the “Contact Us” page to select a way that is preferable for you to reach us. Again, we are glad you are here, and we hope that you will join us as we journey homeward.
EPIPHANY sermon series: We Have Seen the Light.
We are all shaped by traditions, rituals, and calendars, which are often given to us by others, such as, our culture, province, and federal (country). The goal of the traditions is to turn us into good citizens. This is true in Canada as it is true elsewhere.
In our world which is so influenced by globalization and liberalization, there is a lot of counterculture on different scales. The Church of Christ has also been an active player in counterculture since its founding in the first century AD. For example, the Church created a different calendar that allows believers to focus on different sets of memories other than the ones given by others.
The goal of the counter traditions was to form people into citizens of God’s Kingdom. At the heart of this agenda is the life of Jesus Christ: His birth, his passion, and his resurrection.
Epiphany is one of the traditions the Church created in its calendar to counter-culture. The word epiphany is not in the Bible. It comes from a Greek word meaning “manifestation or appearance.” In Church history, Epiphany is closely associated with the revelation of Christ to the Magi. So, Christ was not only revealed to the Jews but to non-Jews, too.
Also, Epiphany gets us past seeing a cute baby in the manger because the incarnation (God became flesh) involves more than the events of Christmas. Epiphany ushers a vision of God’s glory to the nations of the world.
Therefore, in January and February, we will be looking at the sermon series We Have Seen the Light. The series admonishes that since we have experienced Christ’s Light, thereby believing in Christ, we must seize every opportunity to shine Christ’s Light.
ash Wednesday service: We begin our Lenten journey.
Mark your calendars for our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, at 7 PM. Also, we begin our Lenten journey together on our first Sunday in Lent, March 9th, 2025!
Welcome Home to Forbes Presbyterian Church